
News Releases

A Cool and Healthy Summer for Seniors

  • Date 2019-07-09
  • Views 9,598

A Cool and Healthy Summer for Seniors 

- HF gives away free fans and air circulators to seniors living alone, delivering a cool breeze this summer 

Korea Housing Finance Corporation (HF, CEO Lee Jung-Hwan) announced on July 9, 2019, that it donated cooling appliances to Busan Central Senior Welfare Center (Director Lee Hae-Rim) as part of its “Cool Breeze Sharing” program in preparation for a heatwave.

In the program jointly launched by HF and Busan Senior Welfare Center, HF offered free fans and air circulators to senior centers and elderly people living alone in Busan to help them stay cool and healthy this summer. 

HF CEO Lee Jung-Hwan said, “Elderly people living alone in the sizzling summer easily feel exhausted and develop health problems. I hope that the cooling appliances we donated will help older adults stay healthy and safe this summer.”

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On July 9, 2019, HF sponsored the Cool Breeze Sharing Program to Busanjin-gu Senior Center in Jeonpo-daero, Busan, in preparation for a summer heatwave. HF CEO Lee-Jug-Hwan (left) posed for a photo with Lee Hae-Rim, Director of Busan Central Senior Welfare Center.