
News Releases

HF Holds the Anti-Corruption/Integrity Pledge Signing Ceremony

  • Date 2021-04-19
  • Views 285

HF Holds the Anti-Corruption/Integrity Pledge Signing Ceremony 

- Union and management vow to implement anti-corruption and integrity practices

Korea Housing Finance Corporation (HF, CEO Choi Joon-Woo) said on the 19th that the union and management held the Anti-Corruption/Integrity Pledge Signing Ceremony, reaffirming the shared commitment to spreading a culture of anti-corruption and integrity within the public corporation. <See the image below.>

The ceremony was joined by the HF CEO, union leader, directors, business division leaders, and integrity officers. Officers from all HF branches also participated in the event via a contact-free, virtual conference platform, confirming their commitment to anti-corruption and integrity.


The pledge includes their promises ▲ not to seek improper personal gains; ▲ not to receive any money, valuables, or entertainment; and ▲ to conduct business in a transparent and fair manner. It also includes their acknowledgement of the punishments and penalties for violating the pledge.


HF CEO Choi said, “As a public corporation that rests upon public confidence and trust, integrity is an integral part of our culture. Through ongoing monitoring, we will prevent potential corrupt practices and continually spread a culture of integrity.”