
News Releases

HF CEO Joins the 'Child Road Safety Relay Challnege'

  • Date 2021-04-02
  • Views 284

HF CEO Joins the ‘Child Road Safety Relay Challenge’ 

- Sending the message of “child safety, our daily priority”, he names the next three campaign runners

Korea Housing Finance Corporation (HF, CEO Choi Joon-Woo) announced on the 2nd that CEO Choi had joined the ‘Child Road Safety Relay Challenge’ campaign. <See the image below.> 

The campaign was launched by the Ministry of the Interior and Safety last December to establish a culture of safe driving in school safety zones and putting child safety first. For the campaign, HF will post the road safety slogan ‘First, Stop! Second, Look Left and Right for Three Seconds for Accident Prevention!’ on its Facebook and other social network accounts. 

CEO Choi said of the campaign, “To safeguard our children from car accidents, we need to make ‘child safety’ our daily priority.” 

Appointed to run the campaign by Lee Gye-Moon, CEO of the Credit Counseling & Recovery Service and CEO of Korea Inclusive Finance Agency, he will name Chairperson and CEO Kim Ji-Wan of BNK Financial Group, President Kim Jong-Hwa of Busan International Finance Promotion Agency, and Director Yoon Gyeong-Sun of Busan Sasang Youth Training Center as the next campaign runners.