
News Releases

"HF Focuses on Supporting Those Vulnerable to Housing Instability"

  • Date 2021-02-05
  • Views 327

“HF Focuses on Supporting Those Vulnerable to Housing Instability”

- New HF CEO Choi Jun-Woo takes office on the 5th

Choi Jun-Woo (image), new CEO of Korea Housing Finance Corporation (HF), attended his inaugural ceremony and began his official duties on the 5th <See the image below>.

In his inauguration speech, HF CEO Choi said, “As COVID-19 further aggravates social and economic challenges, people’s yearning for home will grow even more. I will make ceaseless efforts to provide the public with the home financing products that they need at the right time.”

Regarding last August’s revision to the Housing Lease Protection Act, he stressed, “HF will be agile in responding to changing housing demand amid the latest housing market trends, including rising jeonse prices and a growing number of landlords turning to half-jeonse. Through inclusive finance, we should dedicate ourselves to closing the loopholes of our nation’s housing safety net for young people and other financially vulnerable groups, fulfilling our social responsibility as a public organization.” 

HF CEO Choi went on to reiterate, “By introducing extra-long-term mortgages and playing a leading role in the ESG* bond market, HF will make the utmost efforts to help our MBS establish itself as one of the nation’s representative bonds that stacks up against government bonds. In addition, HF will create new income streams from the homes used as collateral for the reverse mortgage Home Pension other than Home Pension monthly payouts and further diversify our related services, supporting senior citizens to lead a stable and financially secure retirement.”

  * ESG bonds: Bonds issued to contribute to social value creation from the perspective of sustainable investment and specifically focused on non-financial factors like environmental, social, and governance impact, as well as to raise funds for socially responsible projects