
News Releases

HF Receives Minister of Employment and Labor's Award for Job Creation

  • Date 2021-01-04
  • Views 317

HF Receives Minister of Employment and Labor’s Award for Job Creation 

- HF’s temp-to-perm staff conversion recognized for improving employment stability in the public sector  

Korea Housing Finance Corporation (HF, CEO Lee Jung-Hwan) stated on the 4th that it won the Minister of Employment and Labor’s Award for public-sector temporary to permanent staff conversion at the 2020 Government Awards for Job Creation.

The Awards, hosted by the Ministry of Employment and Labor, recognize and celebrate individuals and organizations that have contributed to the creation of decent jobs, such as pioneering efforts to improve job quality. 

HF converted 48 temporary and contract workers into regular positions in 2017 and 2018. In 2019, it set up a subsidiary for the conversion of 147 call-center contract workers into direct-hire positions. At the Awards, these efforts by HF garnered much recognition for following through on the government’s job policy and creating decent employment opportunities.

An HF official said, “We are deeply honored by this recognition of our steady efforts for employment stability. HF will continue to fulfill our social responsibility as a public organization by leading efforts to create high-quality jobs and improve employment security and stability.”