
News Releases

HF Provides Customized Financial Education for the Elderly

  • Date 2021-08-25
  • Views 321

HF Provides Customized Financial Education for the Elderly

- With a specialized agency, HF provides financial education on digital finance, financial scam prevention and retirement planning. 

Korea Housing Finance Corporation (HF, CEO Choi Joon Woo) announced on August 25 that it signed an MOU with the Senior Financial Education Council* in order to provide tailored financial education for seniors, thereby supporting them to cope with changes in the financial environment and have a proper financial planning for stable livelihood in advanced years. (A photo attached)

 * A non-profit incorporated association, established in March 2018 under Financial Services Commission for senior financial consumer protection through financial education. 

In collaboration with the council, HF will provide financial education classes for seniors on digital finance, financial fraud and scams to avoid, retirement planning and asset management in advanced years. Under the program, seniors can acquire essential financial knowledge, learn how to invest and manage assets through mobile application, how to respond to voice phishing, and how to plan their retirement with home pension. 

In line with Covid-19 induced social distancing measures, HF and the council will start with non-contact, online based education program, before gradually expanding it to offline classes at welfare or education centers for the elderly and companies, after looking into the needs of seniors and effects of the education. 

HF CEO Choi commented, “With the rapid aging and digitalization in recent years, too many elderly are left behind and retire without preparation. With the Senior Financial Education Council, HF will try to fully support financial education for seniors, so that they can adopt to digital finance and enjoy their retirement ”