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HF Steps Up Reserach Efforts in Housing Finance Through Industry-Academia Cooperation

  • Date 2021-11-10
  • Views 328

HF Steps Up Research Efforts in Housing Finance Through Industry-Academia Cooperation

-HF, Dong-A Univ. and Pukyong National Univ. held a joint seminar to present their research findings 

- The joint research paper received the Outstanding Paper award at the KAFE-JAPEE International Symposium on Financial Engineering

Korea Housing Finance Corporation (HF, CEO Choi Joon-Woo) announced on November 10, 2021, that Korea Housing Finance Research Institute held a joint seminar and research findings presentation with its industry-academia cooperation partners, the Global Finance Research Institute of Dong-A University* (President Lee Hae-Woo) and the Strategic Management Research Center of Pukyong National University (President Jang Young-Soo)** <see image below>.

  * HF signed an MOU on joint research with the institute in September 2020.  

 ** HF signed an MOU on joint research with the university’s Management Research Institute in April 2021. 

The event featured a seminar on the themes of ▲ ESG* and Sustainable Finance and ▲ Digital BPR**. There were also presentations of papers from joint research between HF and the two universities on the following four topics, ▲ Analysis of Bogeumjari loan default rates and their characteristics, ▲ Comparative analysis of the drivers of early repayment, ▲ Analysis of the characteristics of housing-vulnerable people; and ▲ Study on the determinants of homeowners’switch to trust-type reverse mortgage. 

  * ESG stands for “Environmental, Social, and Governance”, which are the main factors to measure the sustainability and social impact of corporations or investment in them.

 ** BPR stands for “Business Process Re-engineering,” which is a process to analyze and optimize corporations’ business activities and workflows.

In addition, the paper “Analysis of the hedging effectiveness of Korea treasury bond (KTB) futures” co-authored by HF Korea Housing Finance Research Institute and the Global Finance Research Institute of Dong-A University received the Outstanding Paper award at the 4th KAFE-JAFEE International Symposium on Financial Engineering (KAFE) hosted by the Korean Association of Financial Engineering this past August. 

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HF Korea Housing Finance Research Institute held a joint seminar and research findings presentation with the Global Finance Research Institute of Dong-A University and the Strategic Management Research Center of Pukyong National University at its headquarters on November 10, 2021. Researchers and officers from the three institutions pose for a photo after the presentation.