
News Releases

HF Ensures Greater Public Participation in Its Product Development for Inclusive Housing Finance Services

  • Date 2021-05-27
  • Views 318

HF Ensures Greater Public Participation in Its Product Development for Inclusive Housing Finance Services 

- HF launches the 4th HF Public Participation Group for Innovation and holds its first meeting

Korea Housing Finance Corporation (HF, CEO Choi Joon-Woo) said on the 27th that it launched the 4th HF Public Participation Group for Innovation and held its first meeting to facilitate enterprise-wide innovation through greater public participation. <See the image below.> 

The 4th group, led by HF CEO Choi Joon-Woo, consists of six HF senior officers and 15 outside members, including representatives of civic groups, professors, experts from FinTech companies, other related experts, HF customers, and local residents. 


The group will participate in the entire process of driving innovation at HF, from planning to implementing and monitoring innovation activities, to better reflect the public’s opinions.

At its first meeting held immediately following the launch ceremony, the members of the group ▲ shared their opinions on the 16 innovation goals, including an HF-led Korean New Deal project and shared growth with the local community, and ▲ examined HF’s mid-to-long-term management strategies.

HF CEO Choi Joon-Woo said, “I hope that the HF Public Participation Group for Innovation will serve as a bridge that connects us to the public, helping us listen to their opinions and provide the housing finance services that they need and appreciate. We will strengthen the systematic foundation for greater participation in this platform by a diverse range of public groups and thereby innovate our public services.”