
News Releases

Apply JTYK Online

  • Date 2020-08-06
  • Views 342

Apply JTYK Online

- HF accepts JTYK applications on its webpage and mobile app

Reverse mortgage JooTaekYeonKeum (JTYK) products are now available online, eliminating the need to visit an HF branch office. 

Korea Housing Finance Corporation (HF, CEO Lee Jung-Hwan) announced on August 6, 2020, that, in response to the growing need for contact-free financial services brought about by the increased technological capabilities of seniors and prolonged COVID-19 pandemic, it opened a completely online JTYK subscription system. 

With the launch of the online subscription system, those interested in JTYK can apply on the HF webpage (www.hf.go.kr) or mobile Smart Housing Finance App. 

HF also streamlined the JTYK application process by allowing applicants and their spouse to submit electronic copies of identity confirmation documents, including the resident registration certificate, its abridged copy, and the family relation certificate, via the government’s Administrative Information Sharing System after completing the terms-of-use consent process. This simplified process removes the need to visit a community center for the documents, delivering greater convenience to JTYK applicants.

HF CEO Lee Jung-Hwan said, “I am glad that we are offering a contact-free JTYK application option to our customers amid the continued COVID-19 social distancing. HF will exert its best efforts to make JTYK more easily accessible for seniors.”