
News Releases

HF Creates a Cosmos Flower Trail Downtown

  • Date 2020-08-05
  • Views 427

HF Creates a Cosmos Flower Trail Downtown

- The trail offers both a healing space for citizens and jobs for financially disadvantaged people 

Korea Housing Finance Corporation  (HF, CEO Lee Jung-Hwan) is set to make a cosmos flower trail within Busan’s Munhyeon Finance Complex.  

HF announced on August 5, 2020, that it signed an MOU with Busan Metropolitan Corporation (BMC, CEO Kim Jong-Won) and Busan Association of Self-Sufficiency Centers (BASC, President Kim Dong-Hoon) to create both an urban green space within Munhyeon Financial Complex and new jobs.

Under the MOU, HF will convert an empty space* (around 3,000㎡) within Munhyeon Finance Complex, which BMC is offering for free, into a trail of cosmos flowers and open it to local residents this fall. In cooperation with BASC, HF will hire trail maintenance and safety workers from among the financially underprivileged. 

   * An area adjacent to 1228-1 Munhyeon-dong, Nam-gu, Busan

HF CEO Lee Jung-Hwan said, “With this cosmos trail project, we aim to provide local residents with a pleasant and relaxing healing space in downtown Busan and create social jobs. HF will fulfill its social responsibility as a public institution by creating accessible green spaces as well as jobs.”