
News Releases

HF Holds a Research Paper Competition to Foster Research on Housing Finance

  • Date 2020-05-13
  • Views 283

HF Holds a Research Paper Competition to Foster Research on Housing Finance 

- Competition open to housing finance researchers until October 18

Korea Housing Finance Corporation (HF, CEO Lee Jung-Hwan) announced on May 13, 2020, that it is holding a housing finance research paper competition to foster research on housing finance and housing welfare policy development. 

The competition calls for research papers on the following themes: ▲ housing finance-related laws and policies, ▲ mortgage underwriting systems, ▲ Fintech, ▲ Big Data analytics, ▲ and other topics related to expanding innovative housing finance services. 

This competition will select five finalist papers and remain open to any researchers (or related specialists) interested in the field of housing finance. All entries must be submitted to the Housing Finance Research Institute via email (1850@hf.go.kr) by October 18, 2020. 

Winning papers will be awarded a cash prize of KRW 3 million and be published in the fourth issue of Housing Finance Research 2020 released by the HF Housing Finance Research Institute.

For more information on the competition and paper preparation requirements, please visit the research institute’s webpage (www.hf.go.kr/researcher). For other inquiries, please call the research institute at 051 663 8155.