
News Releases

HF holds a Housing Finance Class

  • Date 2022-09-20
  • Views 272

HF holds a Housing Finance Class 

Incorporated with its recruitment explanation session

Korea Housing Finance Corporation(HF, CEO Choi Joon Woo) said on Sep 20 that it holds a ‘JAMITJIYE(Wisdom with Fun)“, a housing finance class combined with its recruitment explanation session, at the Dongguk University Campus. 


The class starts with the “Housing Finance through Big Data” lecture by Dr. Hong Hee Jeong, from Housing Finance Research Institute of HF, followed by 2022 HF Recruitment Session and ‘How to pass HF recruitment process’ by HF junior employees.

Anyone interested in the housing finance and HF recruitment process can apply for the class on the event day and join the class on a first-come and first-served basis.

HF commented, “We have held the ‘JAMITJIYE Class once a year since 2015, with an aim to promote better understanding on the housing finance program. As the class is combined with our recruitment explanation session as well, we expect more participation from those interested.”