
News Releases

HF holds a 2023 Housing Finance Conference

  • Date 2023-08-23
  • Views 202

HF holds a 2023 Housing Finance Conference

- Discussions under the theme of ‘The Status of the Housing Finance and the Road to be Travelled’

  - Youtube audience application is open by September 4 on the HF website.

The Korea Housing Finance Corporation(HF, CEO Choi Joon Woo) announced on August 23 that it holds a ‘2023 Housing Finance Conference’ on September 6 at the FKI Tower, Yeoui-do, Seoul.

Under the theme of ‘The Status of the Housing Finance and the Road to be Travelled’, the conference begins with the key note address by Ko Seong-Soo, professor of the Konkuk University School of Real Estate, followed by two sessions; ▲ Session One: Housing Market Transition Period: the Roles of Public Mortgages and the Soundness Analysis (By Kim Gwang-wook, researcher of the HF Housing Finance Research Institute), ▲ Session Two: Measures to promote MBS secondary market and efficiency of the issuance structure (By Ahn Se-Ryeung, professor of the Business Administration department, Pukyong National University)

After the thesis presentation,  discussions of expert panelists ensue with Song In-ho, KDI director, and Park Yeon-woo, professor of the Business Administration department,  Chung-Ang University as moderators for Session One and Session Two, respectively.

The conference is broadcasted live on the HF Youtube channel. Anyone who applies to the HF website((www.hf.go.kr) or HF Housing Finance Research Institute website(researcher.hf.go.kr) by September 4 can listen to the conference on the HF Youtube channel. There are gift events for those who make the application in advance.

 *  Search the ‘2023 Housing Finance Conference’ on the Youtube.

HF said, “We hope the conference will provide a venue where diverse voices of housing finance experts are heard, and insightful alternatives on the roles and the direction of the public mortgages can be discussed.”