
News Releases

KHFC Issues 341.5 Billion in MBS

  • Date 2006-04-14
  • Views 5,619

KHFC Issues 341.5 Billion in MBS


  On March 30, KHFC issued KRW 341.5 billion in this year's second MBS. Cumulative issuance of MBS by KHFC in the year to date is KRW 721.5 billion.


  There are eight maturities, from one year to 20 years.  A call option is attached to mortgage loans maturing over five years as a safeguard against early redemptions.


 The interest rates for MBS maturing in one, three, five, 10, 15, and 20 years are 4.66%, 5.07%, 5.45%, 5.70%, 5.83%, and 5.87%, respectively, and the weighted average interest rate is 5.62%.