
News Releases

HF Introduces Home Financing to Nigerian Real Estate Research Delegation

  • Date 2023-07-07
  • Views 99

HF Introduces Home Financing to Nigerian Real Estate Research Delegation

- "Spreading housing finance expertise to more African nations" 

Korea Housing Finance Corporation (HF, CEO Choi Joon-Woo) stated on July 7, 2023, that it hosted a briefing session for a Nigerian real estate research delegation visiting Korea to study real estate investment and research <see the image below>. 

The event was attended by HF CEO Choi Joon-Woo, Nigerian Ambassador to Seoul Ali Mohammed Magashi, President of Pison Housing Company Dr. Roland Igbinoba, and officials from both nations.

During the briefing, HF outlined its role in the housing finance market and its overall businesses, including policy mortgages, securitized securities, housing guarantees, and Home Pension. The Nigerian delegation expressed interest in exchanging knowledge and experiences in the housing finance sector through ongoing collaboration.

An HF official said, “We anticipate that this briefing will foster increased collaboration and exchange with countries in the African region and contribute to the advancement of housing finance in Nigeria.”

HF has been collaborating with Asian countries such as Malaysia, the Philippines, and Mongolia since 2015, sharing its expertise in housing finance techniques.

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On July 7, 2023, Korea Housing Finance Corporation conducted a briefing on housing finance at its headquarters in Jung-gu, Seoul, for a Nigerian delegation visiting the country for real estate investment and research. At the end of the session, a commemorative photo was taken with (from left) HF Executive Director Han Yoon-Sik, HF CEO Choi Joon-Woo, Nigerian Ambassador to Seoul Ali Mohammed Magashi, and President of Pison Housing Company Dr. Roland Igbinoba.