
News Releases

HF extends an MOU with a Malaysia Housing Finance Institution

  • Date 2023-02-22
  • Views 334

HF extends an MOU with a Malaysia Housing Finance Institution

- Two institutions agreed to enhance exchange and cooperation  

Korea Housing Finance Corporation(HF, CEO Choi Joon Woo) said on Feb 22 that it extended MOU with Cagamas Berhad* to strengthen bilateral housing finance cooperation. <A Photo Attached>

 * Housing finance institution in Malaysia, established in 1986 under the Central Bank of Malaysia, to purchase bonds and issue securities.

Since the signing of the first MOU in April, 2019, the two institutions have closely worked together for vibrant exchange and cooperation in the area of housing finance. With the extended MOU, they agreed to maintain a continued partnership.

In particular, in accordance with the HF-Cagamas HR Exchange Program, HF seconded its employee to Cagamas in Malaysia this year. HF said, “The secondment intends to support the advancement of housing finance market in Malaysia and to explore new business opportunities in the country. Cagamas secondment is planned to be initiated shortly for housing finance expertise building in HF. 

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HF held a HF-Cagamas MOU Extension Signing Ceremony on 22 February at its Seoul and Metropolitan Eastern Headquarters, located in Joong-gu, Seoul. In the photo: HF CEO Choi Joon Woo(left), and Datuk Chung, CEO of Cagamas.