
News Releases

HF Honored with‘Presidential Award for Contribution to Digital Government Development’

  • Date 2022-12-23
  • Views 448

HF Honored with‘Presidential Award for Contribution to Digital Government Development’

- The Award recognizes HF’s efforts to promote the shared use of administrative information and the use of Public MyData.

Korea Housing Finance Corporation (HF, CEO Choi Joon-Woo) stated on December 23, 2022, that it received the Presidential Award in the area of promoting the shared use of administrative information and the use of Public MyData at the 2022 Korean Government Awards for Contribution to Digital Government Development held at the Government Complex Seoul on December 22, 2022 <See the image below>.

□ The Awards, hosted by the Ministry of Public Administration and Security, acknowledge institutions and individuals that have contributed to alleviating public inconveniences and developing digital government through the shared use of administrative information and Public MyData. 

HF has contributed to improving convenience for financial consumers and developing digital government by establishing the legal grounds for contact-free housing finance services through revising the Korea Housing Finance Corporation Act and its Enforcement Decree and building a real-time computer networking system for the shared use and distribution of administrative information and contact-free qualification verification services. 


In addition, HF signed an MOU on the joint implementation of Public MyData with the Ministry of Public Administration and Security on October 25, 2022, to utilize Public MyData for its public services. 

HF CEO Choi commented, “In line with the accelerating digital transformation in today’s world, HF will make further efforts toward digital transformation to deliver more convenient housing finance services to the public and, in turn, contribute to advancing digital government.”