
News Releases

HF wins prestigious information security award

  • Date 2022-11-25
  • Views 332

HF wins prestigious information security award

- The Minister’s Award, hosted by the Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT), is the information security sector’s most prestigious award. 

- HF, the first quasi-governmental organization to win the award, was chosen for its exceptional cyber-security capability. 

The Korea Housing Finance Corporation (HF) (CEO Choi, Jun-Woo) has announced on Nov. 25 that the corporation became the first quasi-governmental organization to win the Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT) award, which was presented during the 21st Information Security Awards ceremony held in Kensington Hotel Yeouido on Nov. 24. <Photo attached> 

This year represented the 21st anniversary of the MIST’s Information Security Awards, among the most prestigious in the field of information protection in Korea. MIST selects and awards exemplary companies annually to raise awareness of the importance of information security and to encourage voluntary efforts in this area.

Since 2021, HF has hosted a Cyber Security Conference in Busan, where the corporation’s headquarters is located, to enhance regional capabilities for information security. HF has also been actively engaged in preventing internal security violations by establishing a department devoted to information security and to establishing an AI-driven security control system.  

Jun-Woo Choi, CEO of HF, said, “Finance is the field that needs to initiate changes to make our society a genuinely digitalized world. The HF will pursue achievement of financial innovation by adopting new technologies such as AI and blockchain, keywords for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, while actively stepping up efforts to enhance cyber-security capacity, a core requirement to achieving digital transition.”

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