
News Releases

HF Internationally Certified for Its Anti-Bribery Mangement System

  • Date 2021-12-02
  • Views 336

HF Internationally Certified for Its Anti-Bribery Management System

- HF strives to garner more public confidence by spearheading a culture of integrity

Korea Housing Finance Corporation (HF, CEO Choi Joon-Woo) announced on December 2, 2021, that it has earned ISO 37001 certification, an ISO international standard for anti-bribery management systems*. The certification recognizes HF’s efforts to eradicate corruption and spread a culture of integrity <see image below>.

    * International standard published by the International Organization of Standardization (ISO) in October 2016 for management systems that support organizational compliance with anti-bribery laws and regulations and organizational efforts to establish an exemplary management environment


Since launching the Anti-Bribery and Integrity Pursuit Task Force Team led by the HF CEO last March, HF has accelerated its efforts to build an anti-bribery management system by eradicating the practices of ▲ making improper solicitations, ▲ giving or receiving bribes, and ▲ entering into conflicts of interest. 

HF CEO Choi said, “Integrity is the essential duty of public institutions, which operate on public trust. Leveraging our anti-bribery management system, we will work to garner more public confidence by rooting out elements of corruption and continuously spreading a culture of integrity.” 

The ISO 37001 certification requires that the certified anti-bribery management system be reviewed each year for its appropriateness, etc. The certification can be renewed only when the system passes the annual review.

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Korea Housing Finance Corporation (HF, CEO Choi Joon-Woo) held the ‘HF ISO 37001 Anti-Bribery Management System Certification Award Ceremony’ at its Eastern Seoul Metropolitan Headquarters in Sejong-daero, Seoul, on December 2, 2021. HF CEO Choi (right) poses for a photo with Oh Kyung-Hee, Director of Korea Productivity Center Quality Assurance, after the ceremony.