
News Releases

HF ranks No.1 in integrity evaluation for the second year in a row

  • Date 2011-12-16
  • Views 1,017


"HF ranks No.1 in integrity evaluation for the second year in a row"


The Korea Housing Finance Corporation (HF, CEO Jong-dae Seo) announced on December 16 that it ranked No.1 among 78 quasi-government organizations in integrity evaluation of public agencies for 2011.


The Anti-Corruption & Civil Rights Commission conducted integrity evaluation by the categories of central administrative agencies, local autonomous bodies, education offices and public organizations and announced the results on December 14.


HF ranked No.1 for the second year in a row with 9.19 points which is 0.44 points higher than the average 8.75 points of quasi-government agencies. Also, four out of 78 quasi-government agencies subjected to integrity evaluation received the "best" grade and among the four, HF ranked the first with the highest level of integrity.


"Executives take the lead with a strong commitment to ethical management and make efforts to improve an enterprise anti-corruption system by establishing the ethical management operation system," said HF CEO Jong-dae Seo. "We will continue to work hard to make ethical management part of the system through ethics learning based on firsthand experiences and a code of conduct / compliance evaluation of executives and employees."