
News Releases

HF honored with the Prime Minister Award for its Government 3.0 best practices

  • Date 2015-10-20
  • Views 604
HF honored with the Prime Minister Award for its Government 3.0 best practices

Korea Housing Finance Corporation (HF, CEO Kim Jae-Chun) stated on the 20th that it was honored for
its Government 3.0 best practices.
In the 2014 annual assessment of the Government 3.0 performance of government agencies,  HF was recognized
for its outstanding performance on a total of 11 criteria that include  top-level commitment to Government 3.0,
employee work attitudes and innovation efforts, and advance public disclosure and ready access to its website.

In particular, HF was highly praised for making it easy to compare interest rates by publicly disclosing Jeonse loan
interest rates from banks and allowing for the development of private-sector Jeonse loan comparison application

An HF official said, “We received the Prime Minister Award for our efforts to fulfill Government 3.0 tasks and thereby
satisfy the public's right to know. We will keep working to provide customized services to meet the needs
of the public."