
News Releases

HF offers a mentoring program for children in Busan

  • Date 2023-06-14
  • Views 190

HF offers a mentoring program for children in Busan

- In the program, college students serve as mentors, providing study advice, etc.

Korea Housing Finance Corporation(HF, CEO Choi Joon Woo) said on June 14 that it delivered contribution money to ChildFund Korea(CEO, Hwang Young Ki) for ‘HF Dream Mentoring’ program to foster local talents in Busan. (A photo attached)

HF runs the mentioning program in collaboration with the ChildFund Korea, in which Busan National Education University students look after elementary school students in local childcare facilities as mentors, serve as tutors and education counsellors.

The mentoring program which stretches out to the end of this year consist of; tutoring on school subjects, reading education, and education path design. In particular, the program has been boosted with the enhanced contribution support*, intended to help students who are having difficulties to catch up with classes at school, affected by Covid pandemic.

 * Contribution amount: KRW 50mn in 2021 and 2022. KRW 60mn in 2023.

HF CEO Choi said, “I hope ‘HF Dream Mentoring Program’, which meets its 3rd anniversary this year, can serve as a beacon for hope and dream for young students, who will lead this society in the future. Going forward, we will continue our multifaceted support to foster local talents development and to better the local society.

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At the Busan ChildFund Korea regional headquarters. located in Bugeon Busan, Korea Housing Finance had a ceremony to make ‘HF Dream Mentoring Program’ contribution on June 14.  (From left of the photo) HF CEO Choi Joon Woo and ChildFund Korea CEO Hwang Young Ki.