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  • Date 2011-10-08
  • Views 161
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  • E-mail AB805H@ATT.COM
You know that in Africa there is a large deficit in the field of housing. Therefore many Governments establish initiatives to boost social housing construction.We are working on many countries like: Senegal, Mali, Ivory Coast, Equatorial Guinea, Angola, Gabon, Liberia, etc... The problem is that governments have no money to finance and build them so they are looking for private investors. Two scenarios are present: - The countries ahead of the housing boom (Senegal, Cote d'Ivoire, and Mali): the private investors finance and market, sometimes the government provides the Land or they establish a join venture with a local investor who owns the land. - The late, but rich countries (Angola, Equatorial Guinea, and Gabon): the Government provides the land, gives guarantees or agrees to buy once construction is completed. These houses are simple cost accessible to people of middle to low level income: cost of sales between 13 million to 20 million Francs CFA(SENEGAL). But it takes a corporation to become the project sponsor. The Company enters into joint venture with the local society. The Partner may be the sponsor of the local company or Joint Venture to raise funds .That is the key to the problem. The Partner will have a subsidiary here in Senegal and in each country or we will have a building program. That is not the Partner who borrow but the local society or Joint Venture. Of course if you have a bank or other financial institution that can accompany you on projects in Africa, it would also be very good to have several possibilities for funding. Thanks in advance for your help and i look forward to hearing from you soon.


  • Date 2012-01-11

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