
News Releases

KHFC Leads Efforts to Share Good Will through Blood Drives

  • Date 2013-04-17
  • Views 1,016

 “ KHFC Leads Efforts to Share Good Will through Blood Drives ”


- KHFC executives and employees reach out to those in need through blood donation -


The Korea Housing Finance Corporation (KHFC) announced on April 17 that it held the Good Will Blood Donation Event as a part of its commitment to sharing good life and to encourage society to donate blood.


The event was held at the KHFC headquarters in downtown Seoul with the help of the Korean Red Cross who offered its blood bank buses for the occasion. About 50 KHFC executives and employees took part in the event.


“KHFC held this blood drive in order to help those who need blood. We hope today's event will somehow help those in local communities who suffer injury and disease,” said CEO Seo at the event.


KHFC has been holding blood drives annually and is planning a group blood drive by its employees in the second half of this year. Going forward, KHFC plans to engage in various social contribution activities to help create a society that looks after those in need and proliferate the culture of sharing.