
News Releases

Process for changing Bogeumjari mortgage registry records to be simplified

  • Date 2009-10-12
  • Views 1,575

- KHFC to offer electronic corporate seal service through its official site


Bogeumjari borrowers will benefit from a simplified process when changing mortgage records on the registry.


The Korea Housing Finance Corporation (KHFC, CEO Joo-jae Lim) announced that it would offer an electronic corporate seal service through its official site at www.khfc.co.kr from October 12, 2009 for the convenience of Bogeumjari customers. 


Through the service, borrowers who pay off their loans or transfer their liabilities may have their registry record changed without visiting KHFC.


Previously, a loan borrower wanting to effect a mortgage change on their registry had to visit the bank first to pay off a loan and have the bank issue related documents, and then visit KHFC to have a KHFC seal stamped on the registry document prior to submitting the application to the registry office. Visiting both the bank and KHFC was inconvenient for customers, especially because KHFC does not have a sufficient network of offices.


“From now on, customers can receive registration application documents with a KHFC seal affixed at a bank without visiting KHFC, and then visit a registry office for registration. This will save time and money for our customers," said a KHFC official.