
News Releases

Greater Guarantees for Tenants of Long-term Jeonse Housing

  • Date 2008-06-16
  • Views 1,472

Greater Guarantees for Tenants of Long-term Jeonse Housing

KHFC announced on June 8 that it will provide special guarantees to the tenants of Shift, long-term jeonse housing jointly supplied by the Seoul Metropolitan Government and SH Corporation, beginning on June 16.

Shift housing consists of  public apartment buildings where tenants can live like homeowners for up to 20 years for the downpayment of a low jeonse deposit. Since the tenants only have to pay a jeonse deposit when they move in, it is different from a rental apartment where tenants have to pay both a leasehold deposit and monthly rent.

KHFC will guarantee up to 80% of the jeonse deposit or KRW100 million to Shift tenants regardless of their annual income.