
News Releases

KHFC Issues Second SLBS of The Year

  • Date 2007-08-06
  • Views 2,118

KHFC Issues Second SLBS of The Year


 On June 19, KHFC issued KRW531.2 billion in this year's second SLBS (SLBS 2007-2).


 In this issuance, government-guaranteed student loans facilitated for the first semester of 2007 were used as underlying assets and all of the funds raised through the latest issuance of SLBS will be used to provide more student loans.


 The SLBS issued in June carry eight maturities, from one year to 20 years. The interest rates for those maturing in one, three, five, 10, and 20 years are 5.24%, 5.45%, 5.58%, 5.66%, and 5.74%, respectively, and the average interest rate is 5.63%.


 SLBS in three maturities of one to three years have no call options, while SLBS in five maturities of five years or more have call options. The share of medium-term SLBS maturing in five to seven years in the total issuance is 39.5%, and that of long-term SLBS maturing in ten years or more is 33.9%. The recently issued SLBS was undertaken by 15 institutional investors.


 Together with the earlier issue of SLBS to the value of  KRW532.7 billion on June 5, KHFC issued SLBS with a total value of KRW1.0639 trillion in the first half of 2007.