
News Releases

Ryu Jae-han Appointed New CEO of KHFC

  • Date 2007-04-02
  • Views 2,468

Ryu Jae-han Appointed New CEO of KHFC


 The inauguration ceremony for new KHFC CEO Ryu Jae-han took place at the main auditorium of KHFC headquarters on the morning of March 9 in the presence of KHFC staff. Before the inauguration ceremony, on March 8, CEO Ryu Jae-han had received a letter of appointment from Deputy Prime Minister Kwon O-kyu and officially begun his duties.



 In his inauguration speech, CEO Ryu said that he would seek all possible means to secure capital on a scale commensurate with the legal (authorized) capital of two trillion won and to develop new funding sources. He stressed that he would develop KHFC into a lifetime friend and a lifetime financial institution for low and middle-income households by putting in place a full range of mortgage loans, student loans and reverse mortgage loans.



  A graduate of the Economics Department of Seoul National University and the holder of an M.A. from the University of Pennsylvania, CEO Ryu began his career as a government official after passing the civil service examination in 1977. Before being appointed CEO of KHFC, he served as Director of Financial Policy Division, Sec-Gen. of the Public Fund Oversight Committee, Dir-Gen. of Treasury Bureau, Dir-Gen. of Policy Coordination Bureau, Head of the Financial Intelligence Unit and Deputy Minister for Policy Management & Public Relations Division.