
News Releases

HF makes efforts to revive urban streams with local children

  • Date 2023-04-13
  • Views 257

HF makes efforts to revive urban streams with local children

- Donated contribution money to improve the water quality in the streams of Busan

Korea Housing Finance Corporation(HF, CEO Choi Joon Woo) announced on 13 April that it donated KRW 18million to ChildFund Korea (Director Noh Hee Hyun) to support the efforts to improve the water quality of the streams in Busan. (Photo Attached)

In addition, HF plans to work in collaboration with the charity organization and roll out a campaign to revive the local streams, under which its employees and children in the local communities make EM DirtBall*, water-purifying eco-friendly materials, before throwing them into the urban streams for the intended effects.

* Balls made from EM(Effective Micro-organisms) solution and the dirt, which have water-purifying, odor-removing effects when put into streams. 

HF also plans to have environment-related learning sessions for children, the future generation of our society, to raise their awareness to the importance of nature conservation and help them to have a right mind-set and behavior toward the nature.

HF said. “We launched this campaign to offer a chance to local children to learn about the importance of the environment and remind them of why it counts to have a clean stream. Going forward, we will continue multi-faceted efforts to conserve the nature through small actions in our daily lives.

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On April 13, HF had a contribution donation ceremony at the Busan local headquarters of ChildFund Korea, in Jin-gu Busan city. The contribution money is to go for activities to improve the water quality of the local streams. (From left in the photo) HF executive director Lee Jeong-il and Director of the ChildFund Noh Hee Hyun.