
News Releases

HF, launches services for seniors and the hearing-impaired

  • Date 2022-05-18
  • Views 307

HF, launches services for seniors and the hearing-impaired

- Public mortgage application help service for seniors and the hearing-impaired 

 - Available from May 18, reservation-based via PC or mobile 

On 18 May, Korea Housing Finance Corporation(HF, CEO Choi Joon Woo) announced the launch of the ’Remote Application Help Service’* for seniors aged 60 or older and those with hearing disabilities, who may have difficulties in applying public mortgages such as Bogeumjari and Didimdol loans on PC or  smartphones. 

  * Available for Bogeumjari and Didimdol loan applications made via HF website or HF application. 

The service offers a remote aid on the public mortgage application process with real-time chatting service via phone call or messenger. Service target groups are seniors aged 60 or older, who are not familiar with the online application, and those with hearing disabilities, for whom call-center counselling are much of no use. In particular, the hearing-impaired can make use of the real-time counselling service of HF staff via messenger chatting during the process. 

To use the service, one should make a request on the HF internet finance service page on its official website(https://bank.hf.go.kr) or its mobile application(Smart Housing Finance). The service is for reservation only. A customer can choose a date for the aid within a month. 

When the service is booked, an access code is sent to the customer. Upon inputting the code on the service date on the access page, a HF counsellor offers the application aid via remote connection.

HF CEO Choi commented, “The Remote Application Help Service is to make the process easy for financial customers, not only the hearing impaired, who are experiencing difficulties in applying public mortgages due to the accelerated digital transformation. We will keep a close eye on the application trends and possible customer inconveniences, and will gradually expand the service scope.”