
News Releases

HF Wins the Minister of Emplyment and Labor's Award for Fair and Blind Recruitment

  • Date 2021-12-17
  • Views 358

HF Wins the Minister of Employment and Labor’s Award for Fair and Blind Recruitment

- It is the first public institution to receive an award for fair employment in the public sector for three consecutive years  

Korea Housing Finance Corporation (HF, CEO Choi Joon-Woo) stated on December 17, 2021, that it won the Minister of Employment and Labor’s Award for its outstanding performance in the public sector at the 2021 Best Fair Employment and Blind Recruitment Practice Competition. 

The Competition, hosted by the Ministry of Employment and Labor and Human Resources Development Service of Korea, aims to identify and share the nation’s best practices in blind recruitment. Each year, it recognizes and awards institutions that have improved their recruitment processes by introducing various recruiting methodologies or making other efforts for greater fairness throughout the entire hiring process, including recruitment notification. 

An HF official commented, “It is truly meaningful for us to receive the Minister of Employment and Labor’s Award after all our efforts to ensure fairness in our recruitment process. We will take the lead in spreading a fair, applicant-friendly hiring process that reflects their opinions.” 

HF is celebrating its third consecutive year being recognized as a fair recruiting public institution, a first for the public sector. It won the Minister of Economy and Finance’s Award in 2019 and the Minister of Education’s Award in 2020. By expanding its socially equitable recruiting measures, HF has been creating its own recruitment practice, dubbed ‘HF Blind Recruitment’.