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HF Honored fot Its Exemplary Public-Sector Records Management Practices

  • Date 2021-11-26
  • Views 324

HF Honored for Its Exemplary Public-Sector Records Management Practices

- HF shares its outstanding collaboration practices in records management at the nation’s largest academic conference

- HF set to contribute to the advancement of records management in the public sector

Korea Housing Finance Corporation (HF, CEO Choi Joon-Woo) announced on November 26, 2021, that it was selected as an outstanding performer in the area of public-sector records management at the National Archivist Conference*, the nation’s largest academic conference related to archives and records management. 

  * An annual academic gathering that has been jointly held each fall since 2009 by the National Archives of Korea, the Korean Society of Archives and Records Management, Korea Society of Archival Studies, and Korea Association of Records Managers and Archivists

HF has continually set and implemented detailed annual plans in records collection, electronic records storage, and archives storage system renovation to improve its archives and records management practices. These consistent efforts have been well received by archives and records management experts, leading to the nomination and selection for the recognition. During the conference’s first session on ‘Records Management in the Public Sector: Cooperation and Collaboration’, HF had the honor of presenting its major achievements and best practices to other participating agencies and organizations.

In the presentation, HF shared its leading experience and knowhow in the areas of ▲ records disposition scheduling based on strong staff communication; ▲ the transfer of various commendation letters, MOU documents, and other administrative records to its Housing Finance Archive; ▲ the digital archiving of its predecessor Housing & Commercial Bank’s documents; and ▲ the complete examination of accounts receivable documents across all HF branch offices and consolidation of its different archives management systems.

HF CEO Choi Joon-Woo commented, “Public records management holds great historical significance for future generations. We will continue our outstanding practices, thereby contributing to the development of archives and records management in the public sector.” 

HF also gives its staff, local residents, and academic and research institutions open access to the HF Housing Finance Archive*, its digital collection of paper records created throughout its long history, to ensure their engagement in the development of future housing finance policies.

  * HF’s historical digital archive located at its Busan headquarters