
News Releases

HF Exempt from the Annual Anti-Corruption Policy Assessment for Second Year in a Row

  • Date 2019-03-20
  • Views 15,109
HF Exempt from the Annual Anti-Corruption Policy Assessment for Second Year in a Row

- HF selected for its outstanding anti-corruption practices for ninth consecutive year

Korea Housing Finance Corporation (HF, CEO Lee Jung-Hwan) announced on March 20, 2019, that it was selected again for its outstanding anti-corruption practices this year, earning an exemption from the 2019 anti-corruption policy assessment for the second year in a row. The annual assessment is conducted by the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission.

The annual assessment is carried out on some 270 public agencies across the nation. To be exempt from the assessment, public agencies must meet the following three requirements: ▲ having received the excellence grade in overall integrity for two years in a row; ▲ having received the grade of III or higher in anti-corruption efforts in the previous year’s assessment; and ▲ having no corruption-related incidents for two years in a row. 

HF has been selected for its outstanding anti-corruption practices for the ninth year in a row. More specifically, it has made various efforts to enhance its anti-corruption and integrity capacity by ▲ joining the Busan Public-Private Sector Council for Integrity, ▲ reaching an MOU with Busan Counseling Center Against Sexual Violence, ▲ installing an abuse of power referral center that receives reports on abuse of power and offers support for victims, and ▲ delivering on-site education on the Improper Solicitation and Graft Act.

HF CEO Lee Jung-Hwan said, “Acknowledging that ethical management can be a competitive advantage for a public agency, HF has introduced anti-corruption and integrity policies in a systematic manner. We will not be complacent with the accolades we have been granted for our leading anti-corruption efforts. We will continue to carry out various communication-based, inclusive activities and programs to fight corruption and foster integrity.”

In the meantime, HF received the Presidential Prize, which is the highest prize, in the category of corruption prevention at the Ceremony of the 6th Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Day held last year.